HAPPY NEW YEAR CRASSholes!!! Hope your 2017 is going well so far? After a week off for the holiday season (let’s be honest, Emma would’a been too drunk to record that week anyway!), a Day with Price are back with a vengeance! The pair trade festive war stories, and discover there’s a poltergeist in the podcast (reeking HAVOC with their recording and editing btw.. hence why we’re a day late soz not soz). They then get the heck on with their RECOMMENDATIONS SEGMENT: this week is all about the sublime and the ridiculous!!! Be prepared to weep and snot everywhere while Brooke talks you through Rachmaninov’s 2nd Symphony…then be prepared to weep and snot everywhere while Emma discusses the ‘last castrato’ Alessandro Moreschi. Hope you like! If you do…why not rate and review on iTunes?! Thanks to James Cook for Venus di Milo from Anti Love Songs for our theme music. And the Dobster. Contact ADWP email: adaywithprice@gmail.com, Twitter @adaywithprice, and Facebook http://www.facebook.com/adaywithprice/